Get this life-changing complete toolbox for free: including

beginner's full-body yoga, affirmations, and journal

prompts to a joyful and freer you!


Get this life-changing complete toolbox for free: including

beginner's full-body yoga, affirmations, and journal

prompts to a joyful and freer you!

Let’s get real.

You’ll never always “feel” like doing what’s best.

Our brains are wired to keep us in our comfort zones—but the thing is, a little too much of it will always lead to self-sabotage.

We can become stuck in loops that we created to keep ourselves “safe.”

Just a gentle reminder:

Growth and true-life satisfaction do not happen in our comfy little bubble.

And I know that you know what you want to do! However, you’re waiting for the motivation and excitement to do it.

I understand what you’re going through because I’ve been there.

My friend,

Does this hit close to home?

  • You’re stressed out, and even the most minor things trigger you. The pressure eventually becomes paralyzing, and it becomes difficult to do anything.

  • You are becoming more anxious about your job or studies that your performance and relationship with the people around you start deteriorating.

  • You’re feeling lost most of the time. You don’t know what’s happening, and it feels like you’re just going with the flow—like a robot.

  • You are frustrated with yourself because you are not fulfilling your own needs. Self-loathing, guilt, and negative self-talk lead to aggressive behavior that hurts even your loved ones.

  • You are plunging and sinking deeper into repetitive destructive habits that make you worse and want to isolate yourself.

  • You are constantly available for everyone but yourself, and you’re burnt out.

I get you

because I also know those feelings all too well.

I continuously depleted myself for others and constantly poured from an empty and broken cup.

The people around me saw how nasty I used to be.

I was angry at everything and everyone. I was envious, ashamed, and guilty. I’d start my morning feeling irritated and shouting at my kids.

I was a big ball of negativity, and I never treated people how I should have. I was ugly, and I couldn’t even stand myself.

I would spend my days rushing around, being so busy I couldn't even think. What’s worse is that I thought this was just the way life was supposed to be.

It eventually got so bad that my relationships started to become threatened. I was also feeling the consequences catch up on me; I felt weak all over my body, constantly fighting the chaotic voices in my head, and had no purpose or something to look forward to.

It all feels as if it were just yesterday.

But as I wrote this, it almost felt like that person wasn’t me. People who knew me then also don’t recognize me now.

I was able to transform for the best completely! ❤

At my lowest point, I was still able to turn it around.

And you can too, my friend!

Let’s get real.

You’ll never always “feel” like doing what’s best.

Our brains are wired to keep us in our comfort zones—but the thing is, a little too much of it will always lead to self-sabotage.

We can become stuck in loops that we created to keep ourselves “safe.”

Just a gentle reminder:

Growth and true-life satisfaction do not happen in our comfy little bubble.

And I know that you know what you want to do! However, you’re waiting for the motivation and excitement to do it.

I understand what you’re going through because I’ve been there.

My friend,

Does this hit close to home?

  • You’re stressed out, and even the most minor things trigger you. The pressure eventually becomes paralyzing, and it becomes difficult to do anything.

  • You are becoming more anxious about your job or studies that your performance and relationship with the people around you start deteriorating.

  • You’re feeling lost most of the time. You don’t know what’s happening, and it feels like you’re just going with the flow—like a robot.

  • You are frustrated with yourself because you are not fulfilling your own needs. Self-loathing, guilt, and negative self-talk lead to aggressive behavior that hurts even your loved ones.

  • You are plunging and sinking deeper into repetitive destructive habits that make you worse and want to isolate yourself.

  • You are constantly available for everyone but yourself, and you’re burnt out.

I get you

because I also know those feelings all too well.

I continuously depleted myself for others and constantly poured from an empty and broken cup.

The people around me saw how nasty I used to be.

I was angry at everything and everyone. I was envious, ashamed, and guilty. I’d start my morning feeling irritated and shouting at my kids.

I was a big ball of negativity, and I never treated people how I should have. I was ugly, and I couldn’t even stand myself.

I would spend my days rushing around, being so busy I couldn't even think. What’s worse is that I thought this was just the way life was supposed to be.

It eventually got so bad that my relationships started to become threatened. I was also feeling the consequences catch up on me; I felt weak all over my body, constantly fighting the chaotic voices in my head, and had no purpose or something to look forward to.

It all feels as if it were just yesterday.

But as I wrote this, it almost felt like that person wasn’t me. People who knew me then also don’t recognize me now.

I was able to transform for the best completely! ❤

At my lowest point, I was still able to turn it around.

And you can too, my friend!

I was alive but not living,

Until I decided that I was responsible for myself!

“Nobody else is coming around to save you.” I am not melancholy, but this is just the truth.

Once we escape the victim mindset, that is when the power comes kicking back in! It is when you stop blaming others for the way your life is. ‌It is when you dismiss thinking that life is against you.

Once we own up to this thought, we begin self-rediscovery and create the life we want! ❤

However, this turning point won’t be smooth-sailing. I struggled, honestly!

Waking up on time? Getting out of bed without hitting snooze? Moving your body? Preparing meals for better health? I’ll never always “feel” like doing those. And what else can be more relatable than this?

But, I pushed myself because if I kept giving into the things that were holding me back, I’d continue to have unhealthy habits—then I’d sink further into those feelings, and I’d get worse.

You have to want to change so badly that you’d be willing to take these first couple of steps with discipline.

I was alive but not living,

Until I decided that I was responsible for myself!

“Nobody else is coming around to save you.” I am not melancholy, but this is just the truth.

Once we escape the victim mindset, that is when the power comes kicking back in! It is when you stop blaming others for the way your life is. ‌It is when you dismiss thinking that life is against you.

Once we own up to this thought, we begin self-rediscovery and create the life we want! ❤

However, this turning point won’t be smooth-sailing. I struggled, honestly!

Waking up on time? Getting out of bed without hitting snooze? Moving your body? Preparing meals for better health? I’ll never always “feel” like doing those. And what else can be more relatable than this?

But, I pushed myself because if I kept giving into the things that were holding me back, I’d continue to have unhealthy habits—then I’d sink further into those feelings, and I’d get worse.

You have to want to change so badly that you’d be willing to take these first couple of steps with discipline.

You're human! ❤

It’s natural to feel demotivated and exhausted, my friend!

But let me tell you, inevitably, all these good changes will come naturally. You’ll be surprised how easy it eventually gets!

And you’ll think to yourself, “this is not as hard as I thought it would be. Why didn’t I start sooner?”

You can change your life for the better—one day at a time.

And I created this free program from my experience and with you in mind.

I honestly wish I had this kind of support back then—I believe it would’ve been easier, but nonetheless, I wouldn’t change a thing because I learned so much.

Now, I get to be that extra guiding hand for others!

I’m rooting for your success. See you “here” soon! ❤

“Stephanie truly loves with all her heart, wants others to know and feel that love, and wants to share her passion for life with others. If you want to truly change your life, mindset, and routine, she can definitely share her program with you. Once you start, there is no turning back. You will be changed!”

— Erin Priddy

My friend, there is no secret! It’s all about taking action before your brain talks you out of it.

After finding the courage to change the things I didn’t want, a significant shift started. And it wasn’t just me! So many other people have experienced it, too.

It is also yours. ❤ Just waiting for you!

Waking up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day.

Gaining control and serenity over your mind and having your power back.

Knowing yourself deeper and feeling more secure than ever before.

Feeling better mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Forming positive and healthy habits that make you proud of yourself.

Being more at peace and grateful for yourself and your surroundings.

Strengthening your boundaries and realizing you don’t have to live a life you don’t like.

You're human!❤

It’s natural to feel demotivated and exhausted, my friend!

But let me tell you, inevitably, all these good changes will come naturally. You’ll be surprised how easy it eventually gets!

And you’ll think to yourself, “this is not as hard as I thought it would be. Why didn’t I start sooner?”

You can change your life for the better—one day at a time.

And I created this free program from my experience and with you in mind.

I honestly wish I had this kind of support back then—I believe it would’ve been easier, but nonetheless, I wouldn’t change a thing because I learned so much.

Now, I get to be that extra guiding hand for others!

I’m rooting for your success. See you “here” soon! ❤

“Stephanie truly loves with all her heart, wants others to know and feel that love, and wants to share her passion for life with others. If you want to truly change your life, mindset, and routine, she can definitely share her program with you. Once you start, there is no turning back. You will be changed!”

— Erin Priddy

My friend, there is no secret! It’s all about taking action before your brain talks you out of it.

After finding the courage to change the things I didn’t want, a significant shift started. And it wasn’t just me! So many other people have experienced it, too.

It is also yours. ❤ Just waiting for you!

Waking up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day.

Gaining control and serenity over your mind and having your power back.

Knowing yourself deeper and feeling more secure than ever before.

Feeling better mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Forming positive and healthy habits that make you proud of yourself.

Being more at peace and grateful for yourself and your surroundings.

Strengthening your boundaries and realizing you don’t have to live a life you don’t like.

You deserve to meet the best version of yourself!


7 Day Better Me

“This would turn out to be one of the best programs I have ever dedicated myself to. I noticed a big change! It was easier to get out of bed every morning, I had this new energy, and I was starting to feel more positive in my thinking!”

— Erin Priddy

The No BS Essential Intro Video: How Yoga Helped Transform My Life

This video contains the spiritual aspect of how this program shifted my life for the better and the scientific and logical explanation of why and how this inevitably works.

We will immediately address the thoughts holding you back to break those limitations in this phase!

As cliche as it may sound, it's true—"I did it, so can you!" ❤

Beginner's Full Body Yoga Series

7 impactful and enjoyable easy-to-follow yoga videos, around 20 minutes each.

I never want anybody to feel overwhelmed or incapable when it comes to yoga, so I've specifically curated this series to balance being challenged and having a pleasant feeling.

After each video, watch how you'll feel more joyful and accomplished with your progress, leading you to stack that sense of pride up day by day! ❤

In this series, you will experience that yoga is not just about the poses. It is so much more!

And every step of the way, you will realize how this will help you gain what you’re genuinely craving in life—peace, joyfulness, self-expression, and freedom.

Here’s what you’re getting in this series:

Day 1 – Gaining Control of Breathing and Bringing Awareness to Anxiety Relief

I will also guide you for a grounding practice with an in-depth focus on matching breath to movement.

Day 2 – Control of Thoughts and Filter What’s Coming In

Understand the input and emotionally gain traction by realizing the control of breath and thought combined. We will be doing slow and controlled movements focusing intensely on syncing up the breathing to the movements.

Day 3 – Letting Go and Letting Our Higher Power Take the Weights Off Our Shoulders

This will allow some release to happen within and help us to feel lighter inside. This is a lightweight yoga flow; loose, free, and floating through poses.

Day 4 – Dropping Concern for How People Judge You

You will feel the pressure getting lifted, noticing that there is something more here to this “yoga”—During our meditation and yin yoga, we will be talking about dropping what we think the pose should look like and focusing on how they make us feel. You will start to learn how to let go of perfectionism and let things be.

Day 5 – Letting the Past Go and the Future Be

On this day, you will learn how to put your focus on the “self” and not on the world. You will experience how it is to live in the “now.” This will be a stretchy yoga flow allowing release through the hips.

Day – 6 Where We Put Our Focus

Understand how regaining traction in your outer world happens by controlling where you focus daily. Your thoughts influence your reality, and acceptance of this idea is critical. This practice is about finding a gazing point and controlling our breath while fully presenting our gaze.

Day 7 – You Control You, Your Thoughts, and Actions

This is where you feel that ease and freedom are now on your hands. This yoga flow will be fun, playful, and light, allowing you to be more childlike and unchained.

Guided Affirmation Activity + Printable List

You'll get to see the power of how our affirmation exercises can motivate you to act, give you easier access to change your negative thinking patterns towards positive thinking, assist you to concentrate on achieving your goals, form new and better beliefs, and, above all, create the reality you desire.

I will not only show you this, but you will be your own proof that it works! ❤

Journal Prompts + Printable PDF Activity

The first step to changing your life is to understand your mind. But this is, frankly, easier said than done.

With that in mind, I created this to help you sort through your conflicting thoughts and have a better direction with the more remarkable change that you're aiming for.

Most importantly, this will assist you in achieving your goals without burnout and burden. ❤

Extra Gift: The “I’m Doing Better Every Day” Printable Checklist

I love checklists, so I’m sharing this with you! ❤

Enjoy checking the activities on your list for the next seven days as you continue to improve overall and do amazing things for yourself.

This will help you visualize your process and keep you organized and accountable.

Most importantly, this establishes your new and better self-identity. You will feel satisfaction and gratification as you tick off those boxes!

You deserve to meet the best version of yourself!


7 Day Better Me

“This would turn out to be one of the best programs I have ever dedicated myself to. I noticed a big change! It was easier to get out of bed every morning, I had this new energy, and I was starting to feel more positive in my thinking!”

— Erin Priddy

The No BS Essential Intro Video: How Yoga Helped Transform My Life

This video contains the spiritual aspect of how this program shifted my life for the better and the scientific and logical explanation of why and how this inevitably works.

We will immediately address the thoughts holding you back to break those limitations in this phase!

As cliche as it may sound, it's true—"I did it, so can you!" ❤

Beginner's Full Body Yoga Series

7 impactful and enjoyable easy-to-follow yoga videos, around 20 minutes each.

I never want anybody to feel overwhelmed or incapable when it comes to yoga, so I've specifically curated this series to balance being challenged and having a pleasant feeling.

After each video, watch how you'll feel more joyful and accomplished with your progress, leading you to stack that sense of pride up day by day! ❤

In this series, you will experience that yoga is not just about the poses. It is so much more!

And every step of the way, you will realize how this will help you gain what you’re genuinely craving in life—peace, joyfulness, self-expression, and freedom.

Here’s what you’re getting in this series:

Day 1 – Gaining Control of Breathing and Bringing Awareness to Anxiety Relief

I will also guide you for a grounding practice with an in-depth focus on matching breath to movement.

Day 2 – Control of Thoughts and Filter What’s Coming In

Understand the input and emotionally gain traction by realizing the control of breath and thought combined. We will be doing slow and controlled movements focusing intensely on syncing up the breathing to the movements.

Day 3 – Letting Go and Letting Our Higher Power Take the Weights Off Our Shoulders

This will allow some release to happen within and help us to feel lighter inside. This is a lightweight yoga flow; loose, free, and floating through poses.

Day 4 – Dropping Concern for How People Judge You

You will feel the pressure getting lifted, noticing that there is something more here to this “yoga”—During our meditation and yin yoga, we will be talking about dropping what we think the pose should look like and focusing on how they make us feel. You will start to learn how to let go of perfectionism and let things be.

Day 5 – Letting the Past Go and the Future Be

On this day, you will learn how to put your focus on the “self” and not on the world. You will experience how it is to live in the “now.” This will be a stretchy yoga flow allowing release through the hips.

Day – 6 Where We Put Our Focus

Understand how regaining traction in your outer world happens by controlling where you focus daily. Your thoughts influence your reality, and acceptance of this idea is critical. This practice is about finding a gazing point and controlling our breath while fully presenting our gaze.

Day 7 – You Control You, Your Thoughts, and Actions

This is where you feel that ease and freedom are now on your hands. This yoga flow will be fun, playful, and light, allowing you to be more childlike and unchained.

Guided Affirmation Activity + Printable List

You'll get to see the power of how our affirmation exercises can motivate you to act, give you easier access to change your negative thinking patterns towards positive thinking, assist you to concentrate on achieving your goals, form new and better beliefs, and, above all, create the reality you desire.

I will not only show you this, but you will be your own proof that it works! ❤

Journal Prompts + Printable PDF Activity

The first step to changing your life is to understand your mind. But this is, frankly, easier said than done.

With that in mind, I created this to help you sort through your conflicting thoughts and have a better direction with the more remarkable change that you're aiming for.

Most importantly, this will assist you in achieving your goals without burnout and burden. ❤

Extra Gift: The “I’m Doing Better Every Day” Printable Checklist

I love checklists, so I’m sharing this with you! ❤

Enjoy checking the activities on your list for the next seven days as you continue to improve overall and do amazing things for yourself.

This will help you visualize your process and keep you organized and accountable.

Most importantly, this establishes your new and better self-identity. You will feel satisfaction and gratification as you tick off those boxes!

Life’s circumstances have made you forget, but I’m here to give you a sweet reminder:

You have all the power within you to change your world!

You control yourself and your thoughts, my friend!

Where we place our focus is where we go.

Only you can take intentional steps to pull yourself out of the chains of negative emotions and inactions.

And once you shatter those limitations placed upon you, you’ll see that this is an experience and not a challenge to perfect.

I’m excited to see you thrive and step

into your limitlessness! ❤

“Then, a few weeks later, other people started asking me what was going on. My co-workers noticed a sense of peace around me. I was less quick to respond and took time to find my inner peace and balance before responding. I was more energized (probably thought I was on drugs) than ever, which is rare with a 1-year-old boy! Then I noticed that even though I wasn’t losing a lot of weight, I was fitting better in my clothes; my skin was glowing, and I just felt less heavy—not weight wise but, like, all over, so to speak.”

— Erin Priddy

Life’s circumstances have made you forget, but I’m here to give you a sweet reminder:

You have all the power within you to change your world!

You control yourself and your thoughts, my friend!

Where we place our focus is where we go.

Only you can take intentional steps to pull yourself out of the chains of negative emotions and inactions.

And once you shatter those limitations placed upon you, you’ll see that this is an experience and not a challenge to perfect.

I’m excited to see you thrive and step

into your limitlessness! ❤

“Then, a few weeks later, other people started asking me what was going on. My co-workers noticed a sense of peace around me. I was less quick to respond and took time to find my inner peace and balance before responding. I was more energized (probably thought I was on drugs) than ever, which is rare with a 1-year-old boy! Then I noticed that even though I wasn’t losing a lot of weight, I was fitting better in my clothes; my skin was glowing, and I just felt less heavy—not weight wise but, like, all over, so to speak.”

— Erin Priddy

Again, here’s everything you’re getting for FREE! ❤

The No BS Essential Intro Video: How Yoga Helped Transform My Life ---------Valued at $27

Beginner's Full Body Yoga Series ------------------------------------------Valued at $47

Guided Affirmation Activity and List + PDF Guide ---------------------------Valued at $17

Journal Prompts + PDF Activity -------------------------------------------Valued at $17

The “I’m Doing Better Every Day” Checklist ---------------------------------Valued at $17

That’s a total value of $125

But you can have this without charge right now!

You’re probably wondering why I’m sharing this without a price.

Simply put, I envision a genuinely happier world where we are our best selves—with purpose, freedom, and peace.

I’m Stephanie, and I’m here to do just that.

The silly, playful, and child-like me just wants the world to be better. Period.

Again, here’s everything you’re getting for FREE! ❤

The No BS Essential Intro Video: How Yoga Helped Transform My Life

Valued at $27

Beginner's Full Body Yoga Series

Valued at $47

Guided Affirmation Activity and List + PDF Guide

Valued at $17

Journal Prompts + PDF Activity

Valued at $17

The “I’m Doing Better Every Day” Checklist

Valued at $17

That’s a total value of $125

But you can have this without charge right now!

You’re probably wondering why I’m sharing this without a price.

Simply put, I envision a genuinely happier world where we are our best selves—with purpose, freedom, and peace.

I’m Stephanie, and I’m here to do just that.

The silly, playful, and child-like me just wants the world to be better. Period.

Disclaimer: Please consult with a physician before beginning any exercise program. By participating in this activity, you acknowledge that this exercise is a physical discipline that requires a certain amount of mental concentration, physical strength, and endurance. You must be in good health to participate. You agree to work according to your own limitations and take full responsibility for your safety and well-being. By participating in this activity, you agree to listen to your body at all times and never do anything that causes pain. You acknowledge that participation in this activity exposes you to a possible risk of personal injury. You are fully aware of this risk and hereby release Yoga with Stephanie, AKA Stephanie Terrell, from any and all liability, negligence, or other claims, arising from, or in any way connected, with your participation in this activity.